Archive for February, 2008

Which flavour of Mountain Dew are you?

Sunday, February 10th, 2008

I am a mountain dew addict. This quiz lets you know which mountain few flavor you are. I loved Mountain Dew pitch black when it was out. I wish they would bring it back. What flavour of Mountain Dew are you? created with You scored as Pitch BlackCool... you ...

Do you fall in love very quickly?

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

I think this love quiz has me pegged just right I took this quiz- Do you fall in love very quickly? My Result Was: You don't tend to fall in love quickly. You try to know the person better and ensure your compatibility with him/her. Take this quiz- Do you fall in love very ...

How nerdy are you?

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

I'm actually not nearly as nerdy as I thought I was according to this quiz.

Which Superhero are you?

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

I have always wanted to be a superhero, anyone would work really Your results: You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 95% Wonder Woman 67% Superman 60% Batman 55% Catwoman 50% Spider-Man 45% The Flash 45% Robin 42% Supergirl 42% Hulk 35% Iron Man 30% Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination. Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

How Will You Make $1 Million?

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

Well this is certainly not how I expected to make my first $1 million dollars, but if it works I'm all for it! How Will You Make $1 Million You will make your first $1 million by getting your stock tips from a lucky gerbil Find out how you will make your first $1 ...

What Pink Floyd Song Are You?

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

If you are a fan of Pink Floyd you will like this quiz. What Pink Floyd Song Are You?Comfortably Numb You're either a drug addict, or mentally unstable. Either way, you`re not quite in touch with the real world. Put the needle down. Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you ...

What painting style describes you?

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

This quiz will tell you what style of painting best describes you. You Are Best Described By... Composition with Red, Blue, Yellow By Piet Mondrian What Famous Work of Art Are You?

What kind of car are you?

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

This quiz will tell you what type of car you are. It defiantly got my type of car right. You are a sporty convertible!! (MY FAV!) Your choice of a Porsche 911, a Mazda Miata MX-5...and many other flashy converts! ;) Take this quiz!

What’s my Blog Rated?

Friday, February 8th, 2008

This quiz tells you the rating of your blog film style was rated a G. We are good for everyone :)

Which Sweeney Todd Character are you most like?

Friday, February 8th, 2008

I haven't seen the movie Sweeny Todd yet but apparently according to this quiz I would be most like Mrs. Lovett Which Sweeney Todd Character are you most like? created with You scored as Mrs.LovettYou are the sweet, caring, dreamer, Mrs.Lovett! You live most of your love life as a fantasy and ...