Archive for March, 2008

What animal love style are you?

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

This quiz knows me only too well, I think my animal love style is defiantly the panda ;) Animal Love Style Quiz Your Animal Love Style Is : Panda Cute and cuddly on the outside but a real aggresive animal on the inside What is your animal love style? Find out at ...

What do your flowers say about you?

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

Well it's good to know my choice of flowers say the right thing about me. This one is on the nose. What These Roses Say About You You are a classic romantic who believes in true love. You often experience deep emotions and feel warmth toward almost everyone. You are a bundle of ...

What candy are you?

Friday, March 7th, 2008

Ack, how did my candy type come out to be candy cigarettes? discover what candy you are @ quiz me

What breed of dog are you?

Friday, March 7th, 2008

To be honest I think I am more of a cat person, but if I was a dog, this quiz says I would be Husky. I'm not sure what to read into that. You are a Husky. You are kind-heated and think of yourself before others. You love the ...

What spongebob character are you?

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Squidward? Why couldn't I be someone cool like Patrick or Spongebob or even Sandy? What Spongebob Character Are You? Squidward Yay! Congrats! Television-Movies Quizzes

Are you emotionally unstable?

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Hmmm turns out that I am somewhat emotional, well I guess it's better than being unstable. Are you EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE?Somewhat emotional You CAN be a little too emotional at times.. but you never stay that way. You may over react on seeing your bf/gf talking to someone else and think it's ...

Are You A Naughty Leprechaun?

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

This quiz is right, I am a very Naughty Leprechaun :) Naughty Leprechaun QuizYou are a naughty leprechaun. As naughty as they come. Take the Naughty Leprechaun Quiz at

What kind of puzzle are you?

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

Apparently I am a jigsaw puzzle, there are many different pieces to my personality :) You Are a Jigsaw Puzzle You are a complex person, although at first glance you seem quite simple. Your personality is comprised of many interesting and distinct pieces. You are captivating and often visually interesting. You can be seen ...

Are You A Boy Band Fan?

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Luckly this boy band quiz got it right and said I am into rock and not boy bands. You are not hooked to boy bands. Rock Music is your poison. You are not hooked to boy bands. Rock Music is your poison. Are you addicted to Boy Bands? created by Myspace Quizzes ...

Which purse is yours?

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Not so sure I am a Channel purse person but this purse quiz seems to think I am More Fun Quizzes at