Archive for September, 2008

What is your pirate name?

Friday, September 19th, 2008

Arggh! It's international talk like a pirate day, and what better way to get started than with your own pirate name.  Your Pirate Name isCaptain French Beard of the pirate ship Not-so-jolly RogerGet your Pirate Name at

Which Pixar Character Are You?

Monday, September 15th, 2008

I love the Pixar movies, and I really liked Cars so this result is a good one for me. Which Pixar Character Are You Your are : Lightening McQueen You are cool and a winner but deep down you are also caring and loving and really take care of those who you care about. Which ...

What is your Angel Name?

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

I always knew I was an Angel, and now I have my own name :) Your Angel Name is Charmeine the Angel of Harmony Get your Angel Name at